Jesus reading scripture
from (Franco Zeffirelli's "Jesus of Nazareth")
Caveat: As I study God's word, I have encountered many issues or "lessons" that are a little bit too hard for me and for many people, but they are things that cannot be ignored because of their very presence in the Bible. One of the reasons I started this blog was to document the things that God brings to my attention, and through diligence and study try to process what God wants me to learn and apply in my own life. A lot of the things I write about here are lessons in progress - meaning they are things that I have recently discovered from my life and God's word, but unless otherwise stated, my conclusions about them are not yet final because I am still in the process of studying them and putting them to the test.
Furthermore these issues are not easily resolved. Many of them have long been debated (some for decades, others for hundreds of years) and considered unconventional by many mainstream churches. If I bring them up in this blog it is because it has some bearing in my life and the Lord has burdened me with it. So I do not propose to be the final authority in any difficult issues but I will only be documenting whatever light the Lord gives me. I am aware of the vast number of opinions that differ in each denomination and church. People interpret differently according to their background, the level of truth they have obtained, and their own personal biases.
But we have all been called to learn God's ways and abide by them. Thanks to the presence of the Holy Spirit, God will guide us into all truth.
I don't believe that people who disagree on interpretations of some topics in scripture (as long as they are not core doctrine that deal with the essence of the Christian faith) should be automatically be branded as "false teachers." I believe that God has given different people different measures of faith and understanding and each person has a gift and calling. We are not called to be isolated islands but we were made for interdependent relationship. Each member of the Body of Christ has a piece of the puzzle and we all need to come together to see the big picture.
I also believe God may have intentionally obscured certain teachings (such as the interpretation of the Rapture and the end times) in order to hide the understanding of these things from the Evil one.
Therefore many of my entries in this blog are either personal testimonies, private observations or my personal investigations into things that God lays on my heart. I humbly present them to any reader who may stumble upon this blog and I welcome any comment and feedback from members of the Body of Christ in an effort to arrive at greater truth.
However there are some hardline truths that I hold on to and these are the following:
The Bible is the inspired, inerrant and infallible Word of God. The Bible is alive and a supernatural work of God, who has used various writers throughout millenia to create this body of work.
I do also believe that there are modern publishing houses that tamper with this truth by printing out inaccurate versions. You can look at this link for more information. In fact there are many tabulated lists all over the Internet that list all the instances of how words and verses from the Bible have been removed from the King James and tampered with in modern day versions. I am just sharing some data and evidence and will let you be the judge.
I am not saying that the King James Bible is the only good Bible out there (the only "original text" is the one in the original language - Greek, Hebrew or Aramaic) nor am I judging other people for using other versions. I only have this to say: like the Bereans, we must give ourselves over to diligent study of the truth for the Devil is a deceiver, a faithful adversary, and he's desperate to do anything in these end times.
I believe that Yeshua Hamaschiach (Jesus Christ/ Isa/ Iesu/ Hesu Kristo) is the Son of God, born of a virgin, came to earth in the body of a man, was crucified, died and buried, and on the third day was resurrected. He has returned to heaven to sit at the right hand of God and shall come again to judge the living and the dead.
I believe that the Lord is One God. There are three persons in one: the Father (YHVH) the Son (Yeshua) and the Holy Spirit (the Ruach Hakodesh).
Israel is the Lord's nation and it is the church's time clock. The church should bless Israel, pray for her peace, and support her as the country that is holding down the fort till the Messiah returns. When we do that God has said that in that there is a promised blessing. Genesis 12:3
I believe that Israel is comprised of the Jews presently residing in Israel now and the other people of Jewish descent scattered all over the globe today and who are aware of their heritage, blood line and origins.
The other ten tribes of Israel have been lost in the previous diasporas and have been assimilated all over the world. It is debatable who these ten tribes are and I cannot propose to know that much about them. There are other more trustworthy scholars who have studied this matter at length. I only know and believe what God reveals in Revelation about the 144,000 children of Israel in Revelation 7 & 14.
I believe that all believers in Christ are grafted into the Olive tree that is Israel. Romans 11.
I believe in a God who is the same yesterday, today and forever. I believe that the God who parted the Red Sea, who gave dreams to Pharoah and Joseph, who enabled power in Aaron's rod, and who performed miraculous healings, casting out of demons and the raising of the dead is still the same God today. I believe in the supernatural and that God still acts powerfully in this dimension and that we are called to war in this dimension. Ephesians 6
I believe in a judgment after death. Hebrews 9:27
I believe that we are living in the last days. 2 Timothy 3
I believe that there will be a supernatural move of God in the last days and that all believers must position themselves to receive the fullness of the movement of God. Acts 2 & Joel 2