Saturday, September 19, 2015


Images from IsraellyCool and the Times of Israel
(Note: Amazon has recently taken down the products due to public outrage)

Since when was it acceptable for an e-commerce site to market blood spattered flags of a nation?

Given the issues that Israel has endured for decades, if not centuries, it's obvious that these products deliver a straightforward antisemitic message.

These are the signs of the times, people. The world is closing in on their enemies so much so that one Jewish survivor of the Holocaust recently remarked to a tele-evangelist that the current times "seem like 1938."

If you're sitting their clucking your tongues and feeling sorry for Israel, then I hate to say it that we're in the same boat too. As an active participant in social media, I have felt the frenzy and hatred of the secular world directed not just Israel, but at Christians too.

I've been on the receiving end of verbal persecution the moment I say anything that disagrees with an atheist or homosexual worldview. Their vitriol and anger is almost mind blowing. When I was right in that verbal conflict it was hard for me not to imagine being physically ripped to shreds had I been present with this baying mob. It's hard to understand until you've been in such an exchange yourself.

I had a recent argument with someone I had hoped was my friend. Unfortunately we got into a misunderstanding. I said something that offended this man concerning a matter that involved him and his ex-Filipina girlfriend (he is a British national and a self proclaimed "freethinker" i.e. atheist) and he blew up in my face, accusing me of all sorts of things.

What did I say that offended him? I said something like, "don't feel too bad about your ex..." And he lost his temper, even if he did acknowledge I might have been well-meaning. Unbelievable? But it didn't stop there. As soon as he started working up a rant directed towards me and my country, he started mouthing a diatribe of how hypocrites hide behind religion and that God and the cross was [expletive].

Jesus said, if the world hates Him, they will hate us too. You will start to see who's who when you follow where Satan's anger is directed. (hint: Israel and anything connected with the body of believers). Satan doesn't waste his energy. He only has a third of the angels at his disposal and so he only ever directs his efforts at the real enemy. As they will treat Israel, so will they also treat us, the church.

The sad thing is even now, the church is divided amongst itself. The church and Israel are also divided. I know many Bible believing christians who surprisingly still believe that the current nation of Israel is the synagogue of Satan! I kid you not. This is the enemy's doing. He wants to prevent us from banding together in unity and power.

The moment we stand together under the Messiah who can stop us? But this is not the case. The church doesn't agree, some people in the church reject Israel, and Israel still has a body of people who have yet to receive and believe in their Messiah, Jesus. And yes there are many Jewish people today - some I know personally! who relentlessly blaspheme the cross.

Is it any wonder then that John the Apostle saw in his vision that the Antichrist was given the power to overcome the saints? 

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